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Ruby on Rails is a popular web-application framework that allows developers to create dynamic web applications.
What is Ruby on Rails? Ruby on Rails is a server-side web application framework. It maintains a curated set of components and a “convention over configuration” philosophy that makes it possible to develop applications quickly and without large amounts of boilerplate.
Ruby on Rails is a web framework that allows web designers and developers to implement dynamic, fully featured web applications.
Ruby on Rails is a popular rapid development web framework that allows web designers and developers to implement fully featured dynamic web applications using the Ruby programming language.
Ruby on Rails is a rapid development web framework that allows web designers and developers to implement dynamic fully featured web applications.
Ruby on Rails is a popular rapid development web framework that allows web designers and developers to implement dynamic fully featured web applications quickly that is written in the Ruby programming language.
Ruby on Rails is a popular rapid development web framework that allows web designers and developers to implement, dynamic, fully featured web applications quickly, written in the Ruby programing language.
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